right size filter for bestway pool

How to choose the right size filter pump for your above ground Pool

Choosing the correct filter pump size for your above ground swimming pool is crucial for maintaining water quality and energy efficiency. An improperly sized pump can lead to poor water circulation and wasted energy, both of which can negatively impact your pool’s overall performance.

What happens if you choose the wrong filter pump size?

  • Too Small: A filter pump that’s too small won’t circulate the water efficiently, leading to the build up of algae and debris, and affecting the overall cleanliness of your pool.
  • Too Big: If the pump is too large, it may cause water to bypass the filter entirely, leaving your water dirty. Additionally, an oversized pump will waste energy by running more frequently than necessary.

How to determine the right filter pump size for your Bestway pool

Best size filter pump for Bestway pool


Step 1: Choose your pump type – Cartridge Filter Pump or Sand Filter Pump

Before you calculate the pump size, you first need to choose between a cartridge filter pump and a sand filter pump.

  • Cartridge Filter Pumps: These pumps work by circulating the water through a filter cartridge. They typically remove smaller debris than sand filters due to the larger filtration area, providing more thorough cleaning.
  • Sand Filter Pumps: Sand filter pumps tend to last longer, with the sand needing replacement every three years (compared to two-week intervals for filter cartridges). Sand filters are energy-efficient and can be used with Polysphere Pool Filtration Balls as a lightweight alternative to silica sand.

Step 2: Calculate the right pump size for your pool

Once you’ve decided on the type of pump, you can now determine the appropriate size.

Your filter pump should ideally filter all the water in your pool within six hours for optimal performance. To ensure this, you need two key numbers: your pool's water capacity and the pump system's flow rate.

  • Water Capacity: This is usually found on your pool's packaging or can be calculated by multiplying the volume of your pool by 90%. If you’re unsure of your pool size, you can find approximate water capacity based on your pool’s dimensions online.
  • Flow Rate: This can be found on the pump’s packaging, expressed in gallons per hour (GPH) or litres per hour (LPH).

Step 3: Match the pump flow rate to your pool size

Once you know the water capacity of your pool, you’ll want to select a pump with a flow rate that equals or exceeds what’s required to circulate all the water within six hours. Higher flow rates lead to more effective filtration, but don’t go overboard! A larger pump isn’t always better – it’s important to match the flow rate with your pool’s specific needs.

By doing these calculations, you’ll ensure that your pool remains clean and energy-efficient all season long.

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