Warning sign is bleeping
Warning sign is bleeping
Step 1 – Is the filter dirty?
If it is we recommend completing the back flush procedure.
How to back flush:
- Turn power off (important, should not run the pump dry, will cause damage to pump)
- Close Port A using cap (switch from Port D to Port A basically)
- Attach hose to Port D
- Put the control valve to backwash position (<< symbol)
- Turn pump on until water turns clear (or around 3-5 mins)
- Turn pump off once water turns clear
- Remove old sand and refill, or rinse existing sand (water droplet symbol – rinse for 1 min)
- Once complete, remove cap from Port A and apply to Port D
Step 2 – Check if the control valve is set to filter function
The control valve will need to be set to the filter function to stop the warning sign bleeping.
Step 3 – Check if the hoses are broken
Step 4 – Is there a water flow?
Go through this checklist guide:
- Stopper plugs removed
- Control valve set to closed
- Strainer blocked
If this checklist does not resolve the problem the pump will need replacing. Replacements can be purchased here.